[Future Strategy Webinar Series 2024] Balancing-oriented hydropower operation makes the clean energy transition more affordable and simultaneously boosts water security [4/15, 16:00~]

  • 일시 : 2024-04-15
  • 강연자 : 운영자
  • 장소 :
  • 종료

[Future Strategy Webinar Series 2024] Balancing-oriented hydropower operation makes the clean energy transition more affordable and simultaneously boosts water security [4/15, 16:00~]

1. 일 시 : 2024. 4. 15.(월), 16:00~17:00
2. 주 제 : Balancing-oriented hydropower operation makes the clean energy transition more affordable and simultaneously boosts water security
3. 참여링크 : https://kaist.zoom.us/j/81858452874 (회의 ID : 818 5845 2874)
4. 강 연 자 : Prof. Xiaogang He (Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, National University of Singapore)

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