자격시험 응시 시 기본적인 논문 Draft 1편 이상 제출

[2021-03] Determinants of Turnover Intention of Non-programming Majors

  • 운영자
  • 날짜 2021.08.26
  • 조회수 1,131
[2021-03] Determinants of Turnover Intention of Non-programming Majors

Lee, Wonseop
Moon Soul Graduate School of Future Strategy, KAIST

ABSTRACT Artificial intelligence is shattering the walls of existing industries as we enter the Fourth Industrial Revolution, breaking new ground through the convergence of knowledge. It is necessary to understand and know about information technology as the medium of humanity and machinery in a hyper-connected society, where convergence-type talent with multidisciplinary knowledge is highlighted. These individuals are non-programming majors who did not choose programming as their specialty. Despite their capabilities and necessity, the turnover tendency of non-programming majors is higher than that of programming majors. To interpret and analyze the turnover intention of non-programming majors, this study analyzed the determinants of turnover intention through a literature review and their correlation through a survey. The objective was to reduce external leakage of the convergence-type talent needed in the Fourth Industrial Revolution and enhance the value of talent management to promote the future competitiveness of IT firms. This study highlighted implications for talent management by comparatively analyzing the determinants of turnover intention and their correlation for programming and nonprogramming majors. The results indicated the significant role of organizational commitment and job satisfaction in turnover intention, which greatly affected the programming major group.

Keywords: Convergence-type talent, programming major group, non-programming major group, turnover intention, job satisfaction
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