KAIST 미래전략대학원 전임직 교수 초빙 / Faculty Recruitment

  • 운영자
  • 날짜 2014.10.30
  • 조회수 3,209


Faculty Recruitment:

KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)






Graduate School of Future Strategy / Master of Science Journalism / Master of Intellectual Property

Tenure-Track Position

Section: International: Full-Time Academic (Permanent, Tenure Track)

Title/Short Description: Tenure-track position

Location: Daejeon, Korea


The Graduate School of Future Strategy at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) invites applications for faculty positions at all levels in the areas related with future strategy / Journalism / Intellectual Property.



We seek to make multiple appointments and invite applications from candidates who has expertise and high interest in (1) economic, managerial, sociological, and technological research on the futures or future strategy as well as future studies. Therefore, the area not only covers social science such as economics, management, sociology, but also covers engineering and science as long as the research focuses are on the future of our society, (2) Journalism, (3) Law, especially, centering on Intellectual Property.



We seek applicants who are enthusiastic about working in an evolving KAIST’s multidisciplinary environment. Successful candidates should have outstanding research accomplishments and will be expected to pursue innovative and independent research in one or more substantive areas above. KAIST has a strong institutional commitment to the achievement of diversity among its faculty, staff, and students.



The School was established in 2013 to pursue excellence in interdisciplinary research and educations in future strategy research. The School was recently donated by $25–million gift from the Jung Moon Soul foundation to support research in future strategy. For further information, please refer to the school website (http://futures.kaist.ac.kr).



Application including a resume, a cover letter, research papers and research statement should be sent by email to Faculty Search Committee Chair (Prof. Wonjoon Kim, fstrategy.kaist@gmail.com). Applications will be accepted until the positions are filled. However, please send your applications before Dec. 15th, 2014. Applications will be considered starting immediately on a rolling basis, so early submissions are strongly recommended. Qualified candidates will be invited for submitting formal applications along with three letters of recommendation. For more information, please contact to the faculty search committee chair.




1. Administrator: Faculty Search Committee

2. TEL: +82-42-350-4022

3. FAX: +82-42-350-4020

4. Address: Graduate School of Future Strategy, 291 Daehak-ro(373-1 Guseong-dong), Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 305-701, / Republic of Korea

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