자격시험 응시 시 기본적인 논문 Draft 1편 이상 제출

[2020-05] Alternative futures for North Korea economy:From the North Korean perspectives

  • 운영자
  • 날짜 2020.07.06
  • 조회수 1,788


Alternative futures for North Korea economy:From the North Korean perspectives

Dae joong Lee

Moon Soul Graduate School of Future Strategy, KAIST

Yong seok Seo

Moon Soul Graduate School of Future Strategy, KAIST

RecentmoodofreconciliationbetweenthetwoKoreasaswellasthetwohistoricsummitsbetween Donald Trump and Kim Jong-Un over the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula attractedworldwideattention.DespitegrowingsecurityconcernsinNorthKorea,studiesonNorth KoreahaveoftenneglectedtheviewpointsoftheNorthKoreanregimeandmoststudiesanalyzed from the viewpoints of South Korea and the United States. In this respect, we explore the alternative futures for North Korea and its economy from the perspective of North Korea and concludes that unification with South Korea may not be the preferred future of the North. To envision alternative futures forNorth Korea, we utilize the ‘fourgeneric alternative futures’ of ManoaSchoolattheUniversityofHawaii.Basedonthefouralternativefutures,wesuggestfour strategiesfortheNorthKoreaneconomytoachieveitspreferredfuture.

Keywords: FouralternativefuturesforNorthKorea PreferredfutureoftheNorthKoreanRegime NorthKoreaeconomy Inter-KoreanrelationsandKoreanreunification TheU.S.-NorthKorearelations DenuclearizationofNorthKore

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