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Due to the U.S financial crisis and expanding economic crisis of Europe, there has been a growing needs for Korea, China, and other ASEAN countries to take a leading role.

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Humanity needs to develop global countermeasures to face the problems of the aging population, wealth gap, chronic unemployment, energy depletion, environmental pollution, climate change, and water shortages. 

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In the dramatically evolving environments of international relations and Earth, it is imperative to train advanced experts who can develop future strategies based on scientific theories and methodologies


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Establishment of future strategies and education on policy planning programs for public and private sector experts - Part-time degree programs operated suitably alongside work life
- Focus on research of Intellectual Property and Patents, Science Journalism, Future Strategy
- Sharing and discovering academic trends and policies through Future Strategy Forums, Symposiums, etc

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Connecting domestic and foreign policy research institutes and experts to facilitate extensive information exchange and in-depth research - Creating synergy through lectures and academic exchanges with the Future Strategy Research Center and the degree programs
- Cooperation with strategy/policy institutes, local & global companies, top universities & think tanks
- Research on future strategies in private/public sectors and and on roadmaps of mid- to long-term vision of Korea

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