· 1nd Award Recipient


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ChildFund Korea Foundation Kyu-Sung Lee, Chairman of the Domestic Business Department The ChildFund Korea Foundation has sponsored 825,403 children (122,552 million KRW) through professional and systematic domestic and international welfare projects as well as 344,846 children (14,280 million won) through international regional development, partnership and funding projects (recorded in 2014). Since 2013, the foundation has operated the Children’s Research Institute Program to foster and help children to conduct research activities on their own. He has published several research reports based on this program: “Children Enjoying Rights”, “Talking about Korean Children” and “We are still the main characters today”. He was recognized for his efforts to encourage children to enjoy their right in being the main character of their own story and no the life path forced by adults.  

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Next Generation Foundation Dae-Wook Bang, CEO The Next Generation Foundation received high scores for contribution to the freedom of expression and communication of youth voices in media through the ‘Youth Voice’ project, translating and distributing fairy tales and fables for children of Foreign labor workers through the ‘Olivoli’ project, and raising public awareness of future generations by holding the “lowering the suffrage age” campaign to encourage social ventilation for older generations to listen to the voices of the future generation. 


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Hae-Sook Lee, Co-representative of Gyeonggi Provincial Council for Education and Volunteer Services  Hae-sook Lee, the co-chairman of the group, has spent the past 40 years helping needy neighbors and the creation of numerous volunteers and organizations and is known as the evangelist of volunteers. Hae-sook Lee was appointed as a middle and high school teacher from 1985 to 2013, where she implemented a volunteer movement with students, parents, and teachers, wrote and published the first volunteer textbooks, developed and operated volunteer work programs, and conducted research on sustainable volunteer works through volunteer work campaigns. 

· 2nd Award Recipient


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Doctor Tae-Chang Kim (Dong-A Ilbo ‘Asia Forum’ Chief Editor Dr. Tae-Chang Kim was the Dean of Chungbuk National University’s School of Social Affairs and the head of the Future Generation Research Institute in Japan. He served as the head of a joint research institute in public philosophy and since the 1980s has been conducting various social activities and research in relation to public philosophy, politics, social philosophy, comparative civilization, cultural theory, and future generations to protect the rights of future generations. From 1994 to 1999, as the director of the Future Generation Research Institute, he was joined by Jim Dator, a futurist at the University of Hawaii, and held conferences around the world on the current generation’s responsibility for future generations. 

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