6) [Future Strategy Webinar Series 2023] Progress or Paradox: the challenges of planning for greenspace equity(2023.11.14(Tue), 11:00)

  • 일시 : 2023-11-14
  • 강연자 : 운영자
  • 장소 :
  • 종료
[Future Strategy Webinar Series 2023] Progress or Paradox: the challenges of planning for greenspace equity(2023.11.14(Tue), 11:00)
일시: 2023.11.14() 11:00
장소: (오프라인) 디지털인문사회과학부동 (N4) 1433호 국제세미나실 (4) / (온라인) https://kaist.zoom.us/j/83712659271
연사: Prof. Longfeng Wu (Peking University)
주제: Progress or Paradox: the challenges of planning for greenspace equity


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