자격시험 응시 시 기본적인 논문 Draft 1편 이상 제출

[2018-16] The effect of leadership type on follower performance in Asian technology industries: the moderating effects of narcissism

  • 운영자
  • 날짜 2018.12.30
  • 조회수 502
The effect of leadership type on follower performance in Asian technology industries: the moderating effects of narcissism
Hee Chul Moon
Moon Soul Graduate School of Future Strategy, KAIST
Wonjoon Kim
Graduate School of Innovation and Technology Management, College of Business, KAIST
Many researchers are interested in the relationship between leaders and their followers, whether in the technology or nontechnology sector. However, the moderating factors of the relationship between leadership types and followers’ performance have been underexplored. This study investigates the moderating role of a leader’s narcissism in the relationship between leadership types (transformational and transactional) and follower performance in technology and nontechnology industries. We analyze the results of a survey of 46 chief executive ocers and 205 followers at 46 large companies in Korea, of which 30 are in the technology sector and 16 are in nontechnology industries. The results show that a leader’s narcissism mitigates the positive relationship between transformational leadership and followers’ performance. Moreover, a leader’s narcissism strengthens the negative relationship between transactional leadership and followers’ performance. When industry type is considered, this eect remains evident only in the technology sector. These ndings suggest that the moderating role of narcissism in the relationship between leadership and follower outcomes can be industry- specic. The results contribute to theoretical discussions about the relationship between leadership types and followers’ performance and its moderating factors.
Innovation; narcissism; technology industry; transactional leadership; transformational leadership

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