자격시험 응시 시 기본적인 논문 Draft 1편 이상 제출


Working Paper 게시판

번호 제목 파일 날짜 이름 조회수
61 [2022-02] Drought and Energy Stock Markets in the United States 2022.09.01 운영자 519
60 [2022-01] Societal Development Pathway for the Startup Ecosystem in South Korea : How deeply does the social status of startup ecosystem depend on polices? 2022.08.23 운영자 1,092
59 [2021-07] Realizing 2050 Net-zero in South Korea: from adaptive reduction to proactive response 2022.08.20 운영자 535
58 [2021-06] National offshore wind strategy for late-mover countries 2022.08.01 운영자 876
57 [2021-05] Study on the Approval rate of the Government Policy: Focusing on the Policy Feedback Effect 2022.02.28 운영자 1,011
56 [2021-04] Exploring how interest groups affect regulation and innovation based on the two-level games: The case of regulatory sandboxes in Korea 2022.02.09 운영자 891
55 [2021-03] Determinants of Turnover Intention of Non-programming Majors 2021.08.26 운영자 1,155
54 [2021-02] Learning from Failure: Exploration and Exploitation in Multistage Problem 2021.08.26 운영자 1,120
53 [2021-01] 2021.02.26 운영자 1,587
52 [2020-20] The dynamics of the EU’s nuclear trade network: An ERGM analysis 2020.12.11 운영자 465
51 [2020-19] Why do some firms stop exporting? 2020.12.11 운영자 459
50 [2020-18] Information flow between bitcoin and other financial assets 2020.12.11 운영자 446
49 [2020-17] Longevity of Partnering Terrorist Organization: An Empirical Study Using A Network Diffusion Model 2020.12.11 운영자 455
48 [2020-16] Shanghai Crude Oil Futures: Flagship or Burst? 2020.11.12 운영자 1,618
47 [2020-15] The Role of Homophily on Group Structure and Knowledge Diversity 2020.11.10 운영자 1,783